i suppose that the most interesting thing about this monday is that it is the first monday after a night of horrible nightmares that i can remember for the last 15 years or so. this makes it a day of great learning for me. for years, and to this day, when i'm asleep, truly asleep, there is nothing that can waken me. the truck in the metallica video hitting the bed in the middle of the highway? nope. the 1989 san fransisco earthquake? nope*. yet last night i learned that i have the ability to wake myself up in the middle of dream. i kept doing it, i don't know why i was having these nightmares, and i also don't know why i was laughing so hard at them, but regardless, it was funny, and wholly obscure.
anyways, here's the really interesting thing, the last dream i had, the only one i can remember, was me in some rather helpless position with a man holding a gun towards me and half way through pulling the trigger when i said to myself, "wake up, you're in your bed". i woke up. the good thing about this is that today i learned that its bad to die in your dreams.**
ok, so thats actually not the really interesting thing, but something that made the whole thing weirder was my receiving a text at noon from one of my best friends with a text that read, "dude, i totally had a dream that you died last night". I laughed pretty hard. then i thought to text another of my friends who has a good sense of humor and tell her the two parts i just told you in under 145 characters. she did think it was funny, but mostly because she had a dream she'd been robbed and shot, but lived, then escaped but while escaping had to fight laquisha.
i feel like tom cruise is about to pop out and tie the whole thing together.
* to be fair this was on tv at the time.
** tommy finds it difficult to imagine how you could have a conclusive study of that.
Wait, were you in the bed in the Metallica video or was that on TV too?