Friday, May 1, 2009

so i now live in what is best described as a hobbit tree house (hth). its the guest room of the apartment i've been living in for about 5 months. the apartment is rad, the roommates are off the hook and there is this beautiful living room with a ceiling that nearly rivals the tower of babel.

interestingly enough, it doesn't quite reach the heavens. and it seems much higher from the ground level as climbing up the 7 feet into my hth leaves me unable to stand. its spacious and elegant. just not very tall. and by elegant i mean it sort of looks like the mario brothers house with random pipes popping up all over the place. but its pretty cool.

a narrow stairway. a lot of shelves. a futon mattress. a night stand. a lamp. a fan. and a few boxes of cds.

i won't be living up there for long... but it means that i'm not homeless and it seems like a good place for me to hide out and illude all the people trying to steal the coveted ring my grandparents gave me for graduating college.


  1. Okay, but how much are you paying them to keep all your gear in the Living Room?

  2. well... hmmmm.... exactly the same i make in royalties for the use of "guitar blvd" as the name for one of the walls.

  3. I want that ring.

    Related: I want to live in a Super Mario Bros. house.
