Saturday, March 27, 2010

jes' call me moses

south by south-west is a festival that that keeps herself from me year after year and further austin is a destination i've tried to get to since 2007 and her border control constantly keeps me from entering.

i guess i don't really know what goes on there and that intrigues me. i hear the tales of rows and rows of bars and music venues that leave me in a fascinated obscurity for not having dawned said streets this far into a pursuit of something to which austin is so dear and is so dear to austin.

i don't know how long it will be that i'm kept from this promised land of sorts but with so many dear friends and exceptional musicians, whom i know personally, there i do say this with the utmost sincerity and encouragement, i wish i was there.

if you're not familiar with pico vs. island trees, kalu james, dj halo and many others, and you have the privilege of being in my jerusalem while i'm puttering about in the desert, make sure that you catch them and tell them that tommy sent you. if you're still walking about the outskirts of the city waiting for the trumpets to blow, take a moment and google these exceptional artists. i'll get there one day, even if only to the city limits... ;)

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